GSH Reunion - Hohne2002 Photo CD
Postal Order Form

1) Print off and complete this order form (please complete all sections).
2) Enclose payment.
3) Send a postal order or cash - NO cheques please - to:

GH Grafix
P.O. Box 637
Warragul 3820

Do not be daunted by the Australian address, post only takes a few days.
Your CD will be dispatched as soon as we receive your order form and payment.

4) Reserve your CD(s) with the online form.

Postal Order Form

CD plus P&P - Total
£5.00 each

Todays Date ..............................................................
Your Name ..............................................................
Your Email Address ..............................................................
Your Postal Address ..............................................................
(To where you wish the CD to be sent.) ..............................................................
Quantity of CDs ..............................................................
Amount Enclosed (see above) £ ..............................................................
Method of payment - Money order / cash etc. .............................................................
Signature .............................................................
No Cheques Please.
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